

HOD ok
by : Ajay Rawat

KPO: ok
by : utkersh mishra

CI: ok
by :

Team Member - 1
Team Member - 2
CI Team
Kaizen Theme
Kaizen Description

Suggestion: To improve the handling of PCBA & avoid the rejections which are getting occurred due to abnormal mishandling of PCBA over work bench. PCBA will be kept into the ESD trays instead of spreading over work bench which will reduce the chances of antenna pins damages and other abnormalities.

Before Situation

Current Scenario: PD line have improper handling of PCBA means PCBA are getting kept over work bench by aligning to each other without any gap or proper handling due to which process rejections are getting increased. Antenna failure due to pin damaged and other relevant failures.

After Situation

Once we will use the ESD trays to keep the PCBA for further processing and movement then we can reduce the handling issues, pin damages and other issues as shown in the attachment. PCBA will be kept into the ESD trays instead of spreading over work bench which will reduce the chances of antenna pins damages and other abnormalities.

Kaizen Start Date


Kaizen End Date




Cost Calculation Sheet
Improvement Details Download File