

HOD Very Good
by : utkersh mishra

KPO: ok
by : Rohit dwivedi

CI: ok
by :

Team Member - 1
Team Member - 2
CI Team
Kaizen Theme
Kaizen Description

After receiving multiple feedback from market related to camera like flickering, vertical/horizontal lines, added one more checkpoint in OQA to verify camera with black and white board from 4mm-0mm distance. After adding this checkpoint we have arrested more than 10 similar issues in OQA and prevented market complaint. Same we have suggested to PQC also for online verification and we have arrested more than 40-50 camera related issues online.

Before Situation

Rear camera:- Earlier we were checking rear camera by capturing an image of multi color camera chart from a certain distance. Front camera:- We were checking by taking a selfie . In above both conditions we were not able to detect different color dot, spot as in market complaint devices issue occurs only when we were placing any object very close to the camera.

After Situation

After adding this checkpoint we have arrested many issues which we can't detect from previous inspection method . Due to this we have reduced camera related issues leakage in market and increased our detection.

Kaizen Start Date


Kaizen End Date




Cost Calculation Sheet
Improvement Details