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Kaizen Corner

Sr. No Kaizen No Kaizen Theme Initiator Team Before
1 LCIK - 38424
sprd ata box repaired.
Vinod sapehia , 51008613
Janaki Ballav Pattanaik , 51009457
before situation we are not use this ATA online because headphone not pass. after situation we are arrange headphone jack and try to repair.after this activity we are finally success and try with auto tool online.finally no issue came 03/2023
2 LCIK - 38250
sprd ata box repaired.
Saroj kumar kar , 51006585
Sumant Kumar Yadav , 51009654
Mohd Farzan , 51009674
before situation we are not use this ata online because headphone not pass. after situation we are arrange headphone jack and try to repair.after this activity we are finally success and try with auto tool online.finally no issue came. 03/2023
3 LCIK - 36446
Sprd all model software checkpoint add with IMEI write simba tool at OQA stage
Ramkesh Singh , 53289
Vinay Shekhar , 59429
PANKAJ KUMAR , 51009177
SPRD chipset all model checpoint of software is manually at oqa stage . SPRD all model software checkpoint add which IMEI write simba tool ,due to this no any skiped chance from that stage . 07/2022
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